Send bulk emails fast and get clear stats.Best Email Maketing tool


How great it would be if building a list of targeted leads could be done in minutes?

An all-in-one email marketing tool that helps you to...

Find potential clients' email addresses in seconds

Verify email addresses in one click

Preheat your sending accounts and IP to improve your inboxt rate be over 90%

Send bulk emails fast and get clear stats

Scale your lead generation for more sales and faster growth

Have peace of mind and say goodbye to manual prospecting work

AtomEmailPro is for you if...

You're working on the sales team.

Finding qualified contacts for your sales team will be much faster and easier with AtomEmailPro. Your team will never waste their time sitting on their desk waiting for leads. Once your team uses this software, you'll find yourself working in a busy sales room with people spending more time to close new deals. So tell your boss - or anyone in charge at your office - to start using AtomEmailPro to feed your sales team with hot, new leads every day.

You own a B2B company

If you're still in the growing phase, there's a small chance your targeted prospects will reach out to you first. You have to chase them to close the deals. AtomEmailPro will help you make it easy and fast to find your prospects so you can reach more people in less time. The best part is, you can even drill down to get emails of the top-level people based on their job title. Whether it's the marketing manager or even the CEO, you can get their contacts fast and easy.

You're a freelancer

Most freelancers spend their time bidding on projects in sites like UpWork. You don't need to be like them. You can go chase the industry influencer like founders/CEOs instead. That way, you can save your time and have less competition than trying to get jobs in sites like UpWork. Remember, all freelancers know that connecting with clients directly through email will lead to higher rates too.

Anyone who sells online.

If you sell online, then you need Atom Email Pro. It is so easy to get your targeted customers with AtomEmailPro and click another button to send your products to them. You can find customers base on keywords and filter according to your settings

Never Worry About Finding Potential Clients Anymore. Let AtomEmailPro Automate The Lead Generation Process For You!

What's the best part about running a business? You know, it's closing the deals and counting the money.

So what's the worst part?

Well, if you're like most entrepreneurs, marketers, and salespeople... it's finding your potential clients' email addresses to reach them out.

(Yawn... I almost fall asleep just writing about it.)

You see, it's boring and time-consuming, you wish you could skip this part and go straight to the sales process.

But what if you could actually skip this part so you can go straight to the sales process faster?

What if whenever you need new clients, you can get their email addresses and get in touch with them in minutes?

What if generating more sales could actually be this easy?

Sounds like your biggest dream has come true?

If so, then AtomEmailPro should be in your marketing arsenal ASAP.

AtomEmailPro is the perfect tool for freelancers, agencies, small business owners, or anyone who needs to find new clients in just a few clicks.

"A few clicks? Is it really that easy?" You might ask.

Yes, my friend, it's really that easy.

With AtomEmailPro, when you need to find email addresses of your next potential clients, here's what you do:

1. Search for hundreds (if not thousands) of email addresses from a website or by simply entering a keyword.

2. Verify the emails you've gathered in minutes.

3. Once you've verified all the emails, you're good to go. Now it's time to do another click to send your emails in bulk.

And that's it!

As caveman simple as it is to find new potential clients using AtomEmailPro.

In a snap of fingers, you can get in touch with people who might be ended up as your paying clients.

Imagine how your business could grow faster, and how you could close more deals each month with this amazing email marketing tool in your hands.
